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中文 英文
举起 to raise;to lift
鼓起 summon up
起伏 to rise and fall;to undulate;ups and downs
起飞 takeoff;to take off
起床 to rise;to get up
起程 to leave;to depart;to set out
起兵 to rise in arms
隆起 to swell up;to bulge
勃起 erection
起跑 start of a race
起立 to stand up;to rise
腾起 soar
惹起 to induce;to stir;to cause
忆起 to call to mind;to recall
一起 together;in chorus
曳起 to hoist
想起 to remember;to recall
起先 at first;initially
起诉书 indictment paper
提起来 lift
起重机 hoist;crane
起重车 derrick car
起因於 to be caused by;to result from
起疑心 to become suspicious
起居室 a living room
绑起来 to tie up
了不起 remarkable;extraordinary
发起人 initiator
对不起 excuse me;to be sorry

中文 英文
想起 bring to mind
起床 be up
起草 draft out
起床 get up
吊起 hang up
起初 in the first place
引起 lead into
举起 lift up
拾起 pick up
起幕时 at rise
真了不起 big deal
结合起来 band together
一起作战 fight together
集合起来 gang up
长在一起 grow together
平均起来 on average
振作起来 pull oneself togethe
收拾起来 tidy away
由..引起 be caused by
起初;开始 at first
突然笑起来 burst out laughing
突然哭起来 burst out crying
n.起重机 chain block
想起;触念 come into one's mind
想起;共计 come to
集合在一起 gather together
起初;首先 in the beginning
团结在一起 keep together
踢起;激起 kick up
混合在一起 mix together
n.核起源 nucleogenesis
想起;想到 occur to
建造;举起 put up
v. 举起 upraise
引起;使发生 bring about
合起来;结束 close up
起源於;结果 come of
将..连起来 connect .. with
n.一起沉淀 coprecipitation
n. 起草者 drafter
a. 起电的 electromotive
引起某人注意 engage one's attenti
n.从那时起 from that time on
撩起;使有褶 kilt
把..锁起来 lock away
蔑视;瞧不起 look down on
蔑视;瞧不起 look down upon
提醒;使想起 put in mind of
提醒;使想起 remind of
n.颧骨突起 zygomatic process

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