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中文 英文
毒酒 poisoned wine
淡酒 light wine
醇酒 vintage wine;pure wine
春酒 feasts during the chinese new year
陈酒 aged wine;mellow wine
酒吧 bar
戒酒 to abstain from wine
解酒 to alleviate a hangover
黄酒 yellow wine
陪酒 to accompany a patron in drinking
酿酒 to brew wine
美酒 good wine
酒瘾 drinking habit
酒席 feast
酒量 capacity for liquor
酒精 alcohol
酒壶 wine pot
酒鬼 drunkard;alcoholic
酒坊 tavern;pub
酒厂 brewery;winery
酒杯 wine cup
下酒 to go with wine
甜酒 rum;sweet wine
私酒 hooch;moonshine
清酒 sake;rice wine
纵酒 to drink to excess
洋酒 imported wine and spirits
酗酒 excessive drinking
香槟酒 champagne
葡萄酒 port wine
啤酒吧 beerhouse
酒吧女 bargirl
高梁酒 kaoliang wine

中文 英文
n.酒橱 cellaret
n.酒友 pot companion
n.酒馆 pothouse
n.烈酒 tanglefoot
n.酒瓶 winebottle
n. 酒神 Bacchus
n. 酒保 bartender
n. 啤酒 beer
n.啤酒店 beerhouse
n.酿酒厂 brewhouse
n.装酒壶 costrel
n.空酒瓶 dead soldier
n.生啤酒 draft beer
n. 酒鬼 drunkard
n.禁酒令 dry law
n. 酒店 grogshop
n.蜂蜜酒 hydromel
n.樱桃酒 kirschwasser
n. 梨酒 perry
n.牛乳酒 posset
n. 酒馆 pub
n. 酒吧 taproom
n.苦艾酒 vermouth
n. 酒仙 winebibber
n. 粗酒石 argol
n.禁酒主义 Volsteadism
a. 酒神的 Bacchanal
n.红葡萄酒 Cabernet
n. 酒吧间 barroom
a. 酒醉的 drunken
n.白兰地酒 eau de vie
n.酒糟鼻子 grog blossom
n.杜松子酒 jackey
n.饮梅尔酒 kummel
n.野樱桃酒 maraschino
n.红葡萄酒 red wine
n.禁酒法案 volstead act
n.酒後的勇气 Dutch courage
n. 台克利酒 Daiquiri
n.巴德连奴酒 Bardolino
n.酒神巴克斯 bacchant
n.大香槟酒瓶 balthazer
n.贝拉明酒瓶 bellarmine
n.酒窖;酒店 bodega
adj.酒醉的 boiled
n.酒汤;粥汤 caudle
荨麻酒;黄绿色 chartreuse
n. 大型酒吧 dramshop
n. 喝,喝酒 drinking
n.旅馆;酒店 gasthaus

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