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中文 英文
巧笑 captivating smile
乾笑 to laugh without mirth
狞笑 to laugh malignantly
冷笑 to laugh grimly;to sneer
狂笑 to give a wild laughter;wild laughter
哭笑 to weep and smile
可笑 funny;ridiculous
见笑 to excuse;to laugh at
好笑 funny;laughable
大笑 a horselaugh;a hearty laugh
耻笑 to ridicule;to sneer at
嘲笑 to tease;to ridicule
鄙笑 jeer at
笑料 butt;joke
笑脸 smiling face
笑话 joke;to laugh at;nonsense
笑柄 butt;joke
嘻笑 to smirk
微笑 to smile;a smile
贻笑 invite ridicule
讪笑 to laugh or sneer at;to mock;to ridicule
笑谈 happy conversation;laughingstock
笑迷迷 be all smile;beaming
说笑话 to jest;to joke

中文 英文
嘲笑 jeer at
取笑 jest with
嘲笑 laugh at
窃笑 laugh in one's sleev
可笑地 grotesquely
开玩笑 as a joke
开玩笑 make fun
突然大笑 burst into laughter
v.讥笑 chiack
付之一笑 laugh away
n.笑纹 laugh line
笑著谈论 laugh over
n.笑气 laughing gas
开玩笑似地 giocoso
突然笑起来 burst out laughing
v. 讥笑 bemock
n.笑话集 jokebook
嘲弄;取笑 make fun of
n.捧腹大笑 belly laugh
在地板上打滚笑 ROTFL
n.可笑;滑稽 facetiosity
adv.笑著地 laughingly
n. 笑,笑声 laughter
n.欢乐;开玩笑 fun and game
n. 乐趣,玩笑 fun
adj.无欢笑的 gladless
开玩笑;非认真地 in fun
n.喜欢开玩笑者 jokester
a. 爱开玩笑的 joky
n.讥笑者;愚弄者 giber
n.常露齿嘻笑的猫 Cheshire cat
v. 大声笑,哄笑 cachinnate
adj.放声大笑的 cachinnatory
n.滑稽动作;笑谈 funniment
n.嘲笑者;戏弄者 jeerer
n.滑稽书;笑话集 jestbook
ad. 可笑,有趣 laughably
n.恶作剧;开玩笑 monkeyshine
古怪可笑的;粗野的 outlandish
n.滑稽表演;笑剧 zanyism
ad. 好笑,开玩笑 drolly
n. 烟头,靶,笑柄 butt
n. 大声,喧哗的笑 horselaugh
a. 可笑的,有趣的 laughable
adv.有趣地;好笑地 amusingly
adv.嘲笑地;戏弄地 chaffingly
adv.有趣地;可笑地 funnily
n. 讲笑话的人,小丑 jester
n.笑话集;陈腐之笑话 joe miller
n. 笑柄,受人嘲笑者 laughingstock

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