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中文 英文
for;to do
因为 since;as;because
以为 to think;to regard
为证 to serve as evidence
为首 the leader
为凭 to use as evidence
为何 why;for what reason
为公 for public good
沦为 to be reduced to
何为 what
成为 to become
难为情 ashamed

中文 英文
因为 by reason of
因为 on account of
认为 think of
n.为 Laodicea
n.为 Labe
n.为 Krain
n.为 chieftainess
比喻为 compare to
被称为 go by the name of
为了要 with a view to
n. 为 Damocles
极为厌烦 be bored to death
胆大妄为 chutzpa
为子之道 filiety
引以为乐 find pleasure in
认为优先 give priority to
为了.. in order to
定为常规 make it a rule
尽力而为 make the best of
为了某人 on one's account
因为嫉妒 out of envy
为了怜悯 out of pity for
由於;因为 as a result of
认为;相信 be of opinion that
转变为.. be transformed into
非常难为情 burn with shame
由於;因为 by virtue of
为..竞争 compete for
被视为整体 considered as a whol
v. 认为 deem
以..为食 feed on
为..而战 fight for
成为废墟地 in ruins
凭藉;因为 on the strength of
n.人为受精 artificial fertiliza
n.人为受孕 artificial inseminat
先为自己著想 look out for number
以..为基础 on the basis of
为..所独有的 be peculiar to
把..引以为荣 be proud of
v.为..解毒 disintoxicate
n.机械行为说 epiphenomenalism
n. 游侠行为 errantry
为反对..而战 fight with
为他人作掩护者 front man
v.使成为主观 internalise

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