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中文 英文
变乱 rebellion;insurrection
暴乱 riot;rebellion;revolt
扰乱 to disturb
平乱 to suppress a rebellion
内乱 a civil war;an internal strife
忙乱 busy and flurried
乱世 times of anarchy and disorder
乱民 rioters;mobsters
乱流 air turbulence
乱婚 incestuous marriage
凌乱 in a mess;in disorder
零乱 in great disorder
搅乱 to ruffle;to confuse
慌乱 hurried and confused
荒乱 in great disorder;in turmoil
搞乱 confused
纷乱 disorderly;chaotic;messy
烦乱 bothered;discomposed
动乱 disturbance;turmoil
捣乱 to sabotage
大骚乱 bobbery

中文 英文
混乱 mess up
混乱 mix up
使散乱 clutter up
n.混乱 babelism
n. 霍乱 cholera
累积;混乱 pile up
乱出点子的人 kibitzer
n. 乱层云 nimbostratus
n. 轻症霍乱 cholerine
ad. 狂乱地 amuck
n.亚细亚霍乱 Asiatic cholera
瓦解;神经错乱 go to pieces
n.混乱;动乱 haroosh
n.杂乱;混乱 huggermugger
n.骚乱;喧闹 hurly
adv.杂乱地 intricately
n.混乱;动乱 kerfuffle
n.暴政;乱政 maladministration
n.动摇;混乱 perturbation
n.渎神;乱用 profanation
n.好色;淫乱 prurience
n.好色;淫乱 pruriency
n.混乱的局面 troubled waters
n.捣乱的行为 troublemaking
n.狂暴;动乱 turbulency
v.使混合或混乱 babelize
n. 困惑,迷乱 bewilderment
v. 弄乱,混乱 clutter
n. 骚动,暴乱 commotion
v. 脱臼,弄乱 dislocate
n.不健全;紊乱 distemperedness
n. 困惑,混乱 perplexity
n. 闹饮,乱闹 revelry
使人陷於混乱状态 throw into
n. 混浊,混乱 turbidity
n. 骚动,混乱 turmoil
n.霍乱弧菌;撇菌 comma bacillus
n.胡言乱语;废话 codswallop
n. 大混乱,混沌 chaos
n. 散光,乱视眼 astigmatism
失去理智;心情慌乱 lose one's head
a. 粘性的,乱涂的 dauby
n.神经病;精神错乱 deliration
n. 胡言乱语,梦呓 balderdash
n.刺耳的声音;乱闹 jangle
n.言语紊乱;言语病 lalopathy
a. 发狂的,狂乱的 madding
v. 胡乱处理,胡槁 maladminister
n. 无政府状态,混乱 anarchy
adj.腐坏的;混乱的 addled

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