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中文 英文
肉片 sliced meat
肉麻 disgusting
肉类 flesh;meat
肉桂 chinese cassia tree
肉羹 meat soup
肉冻 meat jelly
肉弹 buxom beauty
肉搏 hand to hand fight;hand-to-hand combat
羊肉 mutton
鲜肉 fresh meat
碎肉 minced meat
瘦肉 lean meat
肉汁 meat juice
肉眼 naked eye
肉刑 corporal punishment
烤肉 to roast meat;barbecue
肌肉 muscle
腊肉 cured meat
横肉 fierce-looking
肉体 sensory;physical;human body
肉丝面 noodles with shredded meat
苦肉计 to act the underdog to win sympathy
红烧肉 pork cooked with soybean sauce and sugar
肉丸子 meatball
肉包子 meat dumplings
牛肉乾 dried roast beef
冷冻肉 frozen meat

中文 英文
息肉 polypi
肉感地 voluptuously
n.肉牛 beef cattle
n.肉汤 bouillon
n.肉汤 bouilli
n.肉羹 meat broth
n.肉叉 meat fork
n.肉饭 pilau
n.肉饭 pilaw
n. 牛肉 beetves
n.牛肉乾 beef jerky
n. 肉汁 bovril
n. 肉汤 broth
n.肉芽块 acestoma
n.食肉类 Carnivora
n. 牛肉 beef
鹅肉;傻瓜 geese
n. 马肉 horsemeat
n. 烤肉 kabob
n.肉食蚁 kelep
n.绞肉机 meat grinder
n.蒸肉饭 pilaf
n.蒸肉饭 pilaff
n. 猪肉 pork
n.切肉餐叉 carving fork
n. 熏猪肉 bacon
n. 肉蓰蓉 broomrape
n.软骨肉瘤 chondrosarcoma
n.切肉砧板 chop block
n.纤维肉瘤 fibrosarcoma
n. 齿肉炎 gingivitis
n.淋巴肉瘤 lymphosarcoma
n.肉类工业 meatpacking
n. 碎肉器 mincer
n.赘肉;疤 proud flesh
n. 肉场圆 quenelle
n.疣;赘肉 verruca
n.浓缩牛肉汁 beef extract
n.桂皮;肉桂 cassia bark
n.屠场;肉贩 butchery
adj.肉色的 cuticolor
n.肉片;鱼片 filet
n. 猪腰瘦肉 griskin
n.食马肉的人 hippophagist
n.浓汤;肉汁 pottage
n.肌肉;筋力 thews
n.一组切肉刀叉 carving set
n.切肉用的餐刀 carving knife
n. 晒干的牛肉 charqui
n.屠夫;猪肉贩 charcutier

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