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中文 英文
to pile up;to repeat;to accumulate;to implicate;re
累积 to accumulate;to pile up
累犯 recidivist;to offend or violate repeatedly
牵累 burdensome;to get involved;burden
连累 to involve
累死 to be very tired
累年 year after year
累加 to increase
累极了 to be dead tired

中文 英文
堆积;累积 cumuli
累积;混乱 pile up
n. 累犯 recidivist
n.累进税制 progressive taxation
n.拖累;累赘 cumbrance
n.纠纷;牵累 entanglemant
n.连累;控告 incrimination
n.连累;包含 involvement
n.阻碍物;累赘 incumbrance
n.累赘;手提行李 impedimenta
a. 积聚的,累积的 accumulative
adv.冗长地;累赘地 verbosely
n. 囚犯,累犯,恶痞 jailbird
n. 归罪,连累,责难 inculpation
n. 共谋,共犯,连累 complicity
n. 积聚,累积,积聚物 accumulation
v. 使负罪,控告,使连累 inculpate
adj.累人的;令人疲惫的 fatiguesome
a. 累赘的,恼人的,艰难的 burdensome
a. 讨厌的,累赘的,成负担的 cumbrous
n.[桥牌]累积赌注;累积奖金 jackpot
n.有家累的人;爱好家庭生活的人 family man
a. 疲倦的,不累的,孜孜不倦的 unwearied
a. 堆积的,累积的;v. 堆积,累积 cumulate
v. 妨害,阻碍,使受苦;n. 妨害,烦累 cumber
n. 负荷,重荷,负担;v. 使负重担,累 burthen
n.累积股(因股利累积而价值也随之增高的股 cumulative stock
n. 堆,许多,累积;v. 堆积;[计算机] 堆 heap
n. 食盒,食篮;v. 阻碍,使...困累,困累 hamper
n.(苏联)卡累利阿人[语]adj.(苏联)卡累利 Karelian
n. 拖,拖累;v. 拖累,拖拉,慢条斯理地走;[ drag
a. 累积的; cumulative evidence , cumulative

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