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中文 英文
思虑 consider
考虑 to think over;to consider
焦虑 anxious;concerned
顾虑 to concern

中文 英文
考虑 chew upon
考虑 chew on
考虑到 allow for
考虑未来 look to the future
仔细考虑 think out
仔细考虑 think over
v.仔细考虑 reflect on
n.忧虑;不安 disquiet
n.不安;忧虑 disquietude
n.焦虑;不安 angst
n.担忧;焦虑 misgiving
v. 细细考虑 perpend
v. 预先考虑 premeditate
未考虑到;失算 reckon without
n.烦恼;焦虑 worrit
v. 沉思,考虑 ponder
合作;焦虑地等待 play along
v. 理解,忧虑 apprehend
v. 考虑,想起 bethought
v. 考虑,想起 bethink
adv.有远虑地 providently
为..忧虑;烦恼的 be worried about
n. 深思熟虑的人 cogitator
adv.不经考虑地 inconsiderately
v.先行考虑;预想 preconceive
v. 想,考虑,计划 meditate
v. 想,考虑,想像 think
adj.不安的;忧虑的 disquieting
n. 扰乱,不安,忧虑 disturbance
n.自由自在;无忧无虑 lightheartedness
v. 考虑,思考,认为 consider
ad. 忧虑地,不安地 anxiously
v. 思考,考虑,思惟 cogitate
n. 熟思,思想,考虑 advisement
adv.沉思地;焦虑地 pensively
n. 担忧,不妥,焦虑 misgivings
n. 抱蛋,孵化,熟虑 incubation
v. 再考虑,重新考虑 reconsider
adj.焦虑的;烦恼的 worrying
adv.焦虑地;烦恼地 worryingly
v. 疑虑,使...怀疑 misgive
a. 考虑过的,细想过的 advised
面对处理;将..加以考虑 reckon with
adj.考虑周到的;明智的 judgmatic
ad. 经过考虑地,故意地 advisedly
n. 焦虑,忧虑,焦虑的事 anxiety
n. 再考虑,再审查,再议 reconsideration
a. 忧虑的,热心的,渴望的 anxious
a. 深思熟虑的,有思考力的 cogitative
a. 反射的,反映的,熟虑的 reflective

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