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中文 英文
a vocation;duty;job
殉职 to die at one's post
退职 to quit working;to resign job
天职 bounden duty
失职 dereliction of duty
圣职 holy orders
离职 to leave or resign from one's office
就职 to take office
降职 demote
专职 full-time;specific duty
职掌 to be in charge of
职责 one's position and responsibility
职业 occupation
职务 duty
职权 authority of office
职分 official duties
在职 to hold a position;on the job
有给职 paid post

中文 英文
职业 a walk of life
解职 ease someone out
称职 have what it takes
兼职 pluralize
尽职 pull one's weight
任公职 hold offices
n.职责 be one's baby
n.职称 JobTitle
擅离职守 absent without leave
职业女伴 gigolette
n.职业病 occupational disease
多数;兼职 plurality
n. 职业 vocation
n.免职书 walking papers
n.会计职务 accountantship
n. 院长职 deanship
n.职业学校 trade school
a. 职业的 vocational
n.职业辅导 vocational guidance
n.职业学校 vocational school
n.文职公务员 civil servant
n.离职;退职 dimission
v. 撤销圣职 disfrock
n.职业介绍所 employment agency
n.父道;父职 fathership
n.职业介绍所 hiring hall
n.皇帝的职位 kaisership
n.使节的职权 legateship
n. 市长职位 mayoralty
n.职业;工作 metier
n.失职;渎职 misprision
adj.职业的 occupational
n.职业治疗法 occupational therapy
n.工作;职业 ploy
n.兼职;兼任 plural offices
n.职业拳击赛 prize fight
n.复原;复职 reinstatement
n. 圣职授与权 advowson
n. 会计师之职 accountancy
n.副主教的职位 archdeaconate
n.副主教的职位 archidiaconate
n.代理人的职务 attorneyship
n. 书记的职位 clerkship
n.小职员;副手 commis
领航[港]的职业 piloting
n. 高位神职者 prelate
n.在职进修课程 refresher course
n. 副牧师的职务 curacy
n.停职;停止工作 bandh
n. 十大官之职位 decemvirate

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