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中文 英文
preceding;previous;above;up;upper;upward;to ascend
楼上 upstairs
扣上 to buckle
加上 plus;besides;in addition to
上当 to be taken in;to be fooled
上船 to embark;to board a ship
上场 take place;appear
上策 the best plan
上臂 upper arm
碰上 to run into;to run against
上风 upper hand;advantage
上吊 to hang oneself
上将 a full general
上回 last time
上楼 to go upstairs
上流 upper-class;boudoir;upstream
上空 in the sky
上香 to offer incense
上午 in the morning
上司 a superior;official
上市 go on sale;to go on the market
上升 to rise;to go up
上去 to go up;to ascend
无上 highest;utmost
跳上 to jump up
台上 on the stage
圣上 his majesty
上瘾 to get into the habit of doing;to be addicted to s
上涨 to go up;to rise
上游 the upper stream
上演 to perform
上学 to go to school;to attend school
以上 above
祖上 forefather;ancestor
上班 to go to work;to be on duty
最上乘 best
原则上 in principle
形式上 in form
心上人 lover
上星期 last week
上年纪 aged
上镜头 to appear in a movie or tv;photogenic
上轨道 to get on the right track
上古史 ancient history
上等货 first-class goods
没赶上 to miss
上半场 first half of a game
跟不上 to fall behind
赶不上 unable to catch up with;to fall behind
大致上 on the whole

中文 英文
赶上 catch up with
马上 in a jiff
马上 in a jiffy
事实上 as a matter of fact
在晚上 at night
实际上 in effect
外形上 in shape
理论上 in theory
宽度上 in width
跟得上 keep up with
卧病床上 be kept in bed
染上疾病 go down with
上床睡觉 go to bed
用胶粘上 gum on
用锤钉上 hammer down
在上课时 in class
在本质上 in itself
虽说不上 not to say
钉於墙上 pin up
n.上帝 ultimate reality
上述之绝食 Ramadan
n.上议院 Landsting
n.肾上腺 adrenal gland
n.上斜视 anoopsia
上升;讨论 come up
n.偏上性 epinasty
爱上;倾心 fall for
盖上;试穿 fit on
n. 上唇 labrum
值班;上班 on duty
以胶带粘上 tape up
n. 上弓 upbow
n.上议院 upper house
n.上帝;神 Elohist
adv.上午 antemeridiem
在图表上标地 chart out
n.海军上士 chief petty officer
a. 同上的 coalescent
n.地球上升 earthrise
n. 腹上部 epigastrium
n.肾上腺素 epinephrine
v.装上羽毛 fletch
n.特级上将 general of the armie
上升;被建立 go up
n. 上拨鼠 groundhog
n.上流社会 haut monde
n.上流社会 high society
v.急剧上升 hoick
n.神;上帝 holy one
n.冰上表演 ice show

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