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中文 英文
婚事 wedding;marriage
怪事 a strange matter
故事 story
公事 public affairs;official business
费事 trouble
多事 meddlesome
懂事 sensible with human affairs
本事 skill;ability;story or plot of a movie;talent
参事 councilor
理事 member of a council;director
军事 military affairs
家事 household affairs;housework
纪事 chronicle
事务 general affairs
事实 fact
事例 case
事假 leave of absence
事奉 to serve
事变 incident
省事 to avoid troubles
善事 good deed
丧事 funeral affairs
趣事 interesting matters
亲事 marriage affairs
启事 announcement
农事 farm work
闹事 to make trouble
难事 difficult task
民事 in connection with civil code
没事 nothing to do;it is of no significance
领事 consul
心事 one's worry;one's concern
喜事 wedding;happy event
同事 colleague
厅事 office
琐事 trivial matter
俗事 everyday matters;mundane affairs
事宜 affairs
事项 matters;items
碍事 to be in the way
战事 hostilities;war
肇事 to cause trouble
後事 what happened afterwards
轶事 anecdote
叙事文 narrative
刑事罪 criminal punishment
刑事犯 criminal;criminal offender
事务所 business office
理事会 board of directors
记事本 notebook;appointment book

中文 英文
事实上 as a matter of fact
从事於 be about
从事於 be engaged in
从事於 employ oneself in
从事於 engage in
遵照行事 act upon
仓促行事 go off the deep end
精於某事 have a light hand wi
容易的事 nothing the matter
n.事假 private affair leave
事态;情势 a state of affairs
对某事生气 be angry at
被某事烦扰 be annoyed at
忙於做某事 be busy in
n.董事长 board chairman
n.公事包 brief case
n.董事长 chairman of the boar
n.总领事 consul general
从事;讨论 go into
n. 事件 happening
预先;事先 in advance
n.记事纸 memo pad
n.国事犯 prisoner of state
专心於某事 throw oneself into
随意的;无事 at liberty
完全赞成某事 be all for something
忍不住某事物 be impatient of
胜任;从事於 be up to
埋头专心从事 bend one's head over
n. 公事包 briefcase
n.民事诉讼 civil action
n.劳工同事 colaborer
n.民事诉讼 common pleas
a. 领事的 consular
n.领事代办 consular agent
n.犯罪事实 corpus delicti
好坏参半之事 mixed blessing
非常容易的事 piece of cake
n.刑事被告 prisoner at the bar
n.公用事业 public utility
n.叙事诗人 trouvere
控告某人因某事 accuse of
n.记事;杂录 adversaria
是一件可惜的事 be a pity to
感激某人因某事 be grateful to for
因某事感谢某人 be obliged to someon
因某事感谢某人 be thankful to someo
n.善事;恩惠 benefience
n.学校董事会 board of education

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