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中文 英文
穿 to put on;to wear
穿插 to serve as a go-between
拆穿 to uncover;to expose
说穿 to put it bluntly;to reveal
看穿 to see through
揭穿 to uncover;to expose
贯穿 to penetrate;to pass thorough
穿越 to pass through
穿衣 to put on clothes
穿鞋 to wear shoes
穿山甲 pangolin
穿孔机 perforator

中文 英文
穿著 be dressed in
穿著 dress oneself in
穿著 have on
试穿 try on
n.胃穿孔 gastric perforation
盖上;试穿 fit on
a. 穿靴的 booted
n. 穿山甲 pangolin
n.大穿衣镜 pier glass
v. 再穿著 reclothe
v.穿衣;著衣 engarb
n. 地上凿穿 borehole
n.刺穿;刺刑 impalement
穿厚的衣;包裹 wrap up
v. 进入,贯穿 impenetrate
n.盲肠穿孔手术 caecostomy
v. 穿衣,穿著 clad
n.穿西装打领带 coat and tie
v. 俗丽地穿著 bedizen
a. 穿著胸甲的 cuirassed
n. 行人穿越道 crosswalk
a. 穿胄甲的人 mailclad
n. 调味品,穿衣 dressing
v. 擅自穿越马路 jaywalk
adj.穿灯笼裤的 knickered
v. 穿孔于,刺穿 perforate
n.打印机;穿孔者 puncher
v. 装饰,穿得漂亮 dizen
n. 一种无痛穿孔锥 cavitron
v. 授与,赋与,穿 endue
n.睡时穿的保暖袜子 bedsock
穿破旧衣服的;俗套的 threadbare
v. 穿~,覆上,授以 clothe
v.给..穿衣;使穿衣 enclothe
v. 暴露,揭穿,陈列 expose
n. 服装;v. 穿著 dress
n.哆开骨折;穿破骨折 compound fracture
adj.穿法兰绒衣服的 flanneled
n.水手穿的厚呢短大衣 pea jacket
v. 穿透,渗透,看穿 penetrate
n. 穿孔,贯穿,贯通 perforation
v. 刺穿,穿透,洞悉 pierce
v.刺穿;使呆滞而不动 transfix
n. 插话,穿插,诡计 underplot
v. 穿著,耐用,耗损 wore
n.化装舞会所穿著之服装 fancy dress
v.以尖物刺穿;处以刺刑 impale
a. 破烂的,穿破烂衣的 tattered
[=through]穿过 thro
[=through]穿过 thro'

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