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中文 英文
to keep;to remain;to stay
滞留 to be detained
暂留 to stay for a short time
挽留 to request to stay
停留 to stay for a time
留住 to detain;to stay
留置 to detain
留言 to leave a message
留学 to study abroad
留守 to stay behind to take care of things
留任 continue in office
留念 to accept or keep something as a souvenir
扣留 to detain
拘留 detention;to detain
久留 stay a long while;stay long
逗留 to linger on;to stay
保留 with reservation;to retain;to reserve
自留地 private plot

中文 英文
留心听 listen out
留在附近 hang around
留在附近 hang about
成名;留名 make one's mark
观察;留心 be observed
留话给.. leave word with
留住;开著 leave on
留心;注意 on the watch
n. 留声机 gramophone
残渣;残留物 residua
v.居住;滞留 bide
n.扣留;收容 internment
n. 被拘留者 internee
n.监狱拘留所 hoosgow
n.监狱拘留所 hoosegow
毫不保留地诉说 let it all hang out
v.照顾;留心 tend to
n. 留有遗嘱 testacy
n.手摇留声机 victrola
adj.可留置的 lienable
留某事给..处理 leave .. to
n.留局待领信件 general delivery
再斟酌;留待查覆 ad referendum
v. 遗赠,遗留 bequeath
n. 口授留声机 dictaphone
n.强留人谈话者 buttonholder
n. 残留山丘 monadnock
n.少年犯拘留所 remand home
v. 留住,耽搁 tarry
n.残留权;继承权 remaindership
在心中;保留体力的 within oneself
n.牛栏;临时拘留所 bullpen
n.阿留申群岛之土人 Aleutian
a. 注意的,留意的 attentive
a. 注意的,留意的 advertent
vbl. 保存,保留 preserving
v. 住,居留,属于 reside
ad. 注意地,留意地 attentively
v. 注意,留意,言及 advert
v. 遵守,忍受,居留 abide
n.阿留申人;阿留申语 Aleut
adj.遗赠的;遗留的 bequeathal
n. 监护,拘留,监禁 custody
n.延长记号;停留记号 fermata
n.临时滞留;中途下车 layover
a. 留声机的,速记的 phonographic
n. 预防,留心,警戒 precaution
adj.保留的;包租的 reserved
v. 扣留,保留,抑制 withhold
n.遗留物;剩馀物v.洗 lave

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