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中文 英文
诞生 birth;to be born;to emerge
催生 to hasten the birth of a child
丛生 dense growth
出生 to be born
毕生 in one's whole life;all one's life;lifetime;from b
发生 to take place;to happen
女生 a school girl
陌生 strange
民生 livelihood of the people
门生 disciple
救生 to save life
轻生 to commit suicide
侨生 overseas chinese student
怕生 to be shy with strangers
生机 source of vitality
生活 livelihood;life;living
生还 to survive
生父 natural father
生动 lively
生存 to exist
生长 to grow;growth;to develop
生病 to get sick
摄生 to conserve one's health
杀生 killing
求生 to seek to survive
生灵 people
生疏 strange;unskilled;unfamiliar
生涩 awkward of writings or voices
生趣 joy of life
生平 biographical sketch one's brief
生母 natural mother
生下 born
生效 to become valid;to become effective
生锈 to rust;to get rusty
生意 vitality;business
生硬 stiff;awkward
生殖 reproduction
胎生 viviparty
维生 gained a living
写生 to paint from life
畜生 domestic animal;livestock
一生 a lifetime;one's whole life
再生 to be a second so-and-so
终生 all one's life
转生 metempsychosis
滋生 to sprout;to multiply
生态学 ecology
生命力 vitality
生理学 physiological science;physiology
庆生会 birthday party

中文 英文
侧生 adnation
生病 fall ill
生病 get sick
生肓 give birth to
生效 go into effect
谋生 make a living
双生的 gemel
v.接生 accouche
n.寄生 autoeciousness
v.生叶 leaf out
v.寄生 parasitize
n.老生 personated old man
n.生铁 pig iron
n.再生 recrescence
n.胎生 zoogony
阁下;先生 Mr.
n.救生艇 accident boat
诞生以前的 antemundane
n. 抗生 antibiosis
对某事生气 be angry at
对某人生气 be angry with
n. 生检 biopsy
n.生物圈 biosphere
n. 出生 birth
n.卫生局 board of health
n.滋生地 breeding ground
n.本生灯 bunsen burner
n.劣生学 cacogenics
n.生殖窠 conceptacle
n.生活费 cost of living
n.生啤酒 draft beer
n. 花生 earthnut
n.生态种 ecospecies
n.附生兰 epidendrum
争吵;发生 fall out
簇生;扁化 fasciation
n.研究生 graduate student
n.接生婆 howdie
n.救生带 life belt
n.救生艇 life boat
n.救生员 life guard
n.生命史 life history
n.救生衣 life jacket
n.救生艇 life raft
n. 先生 mister
n.落花生 monkey nut
n.花生酱 peanut butter
n.小学生 primary scholar
n.生产力 productiveness
n. 学生 pupil

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