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中文 英文
止痛 to relieve pain
阵痛 pangs of childbirth;labor pains;throes
镇痛 relieve pain
心痛 a heartache;to love deeply
胃痛 stomach pain or ache
痛心 to deplore;to be pained;to be distressed
痛骂 to revile;to berate
痛苦 anguish;painful
痛击 to batter;to trounce
痛感 to feel keenly
痛风 gout
痛楚 anguish;pain
腹痛 stomachache
沉痛 painful at heart;deep feeling of remorse
惨痛 greatly aggrieved;very painful
病痛 ailment;indisposition
悲痛 painfully sad;sorrowful
哀痛 to feel the anguish of sorrow
剧痛 acute pain;bad pain
经痛 dysmenorrhea
绞痛 gripping pain
伤痛 feel painful;distress
偏头痛 hemicrania;migraine
骨节痛 gout

中文 英文
n.偏头痛 brow ague
n. 背痛 backache
n. 痛恨 abhorrence
n.肢端痛 acrodynia
n.心绞痛 angina pectoris
n. 胃痛 gastralgia
n.偏头痛 hemicrania
n. 腰痛 lumbago
n. 痛风 podagra
n. 牙痛 toothache
n.两侧头痛 amphicrania
n. 耳朵痛 earache
n.痛觉过敏 hyperalgesia
a. 痛风的 podagric
n.肠气胀痛 wind colic
n. 股关节痛 coxalgia
n.攻击;痛骂 assailment
n.[医]腺痛 adenalgia
n.[医]头痛 encephalalgia
n.[医]背痛 notalgia
n.[医]夜痛 nyctalgia
n.痛觉描记器 ponograph
v.痛殴;猛攻 tear into
n. 痛风结节 tophus
n.痛殴;鞭打 wallop
v. 憎恶,痛恨 abhor
n. 皮肤灼热痛 causalgia
n.红斑性肢痛病 erythromelalgia
n. 心痛,悲叹 heartache
n. 心痛,妒忌 heartburn
a. 悲痛欲绝的 heartstricken
n.偏头痛;沮丧 megrim
n. 剧痛,阵痛 throe
痛击;搅蛋使之起泡 beat up
a. 苦的,痛苦的 bitter
n.腹痛v.发牢骚 bellyache
n. 止痛,退热剂 acetanilide
n.止痛[退热]剂 acetanilid
n.极为痛苦;绞痛 angor
n.苦痛试炼;刑罚 crucifixion
adj.痛觉过敏的 hyperalgesic
adj.痛觉过敏的 hyperalgetic
adj.没有痛苦的 unpainful
a. 痛苦的,苦恼的 anguished
a. 刺痛的,疼痛的 atingle
n. 一种无痛穿孔锥 cavitron
n. 白垩块,痛风石 chalkstone
a. 悲痛的,苦恼的 heartsick
a. 悲痛的,苦恼的 heartsore
n.婴儿长牙期的痛疼 teething troubles

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