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中文 英文
outlook;photograph;to appraise;to see;mutually
貌相 judge by his appearance
亮相 to strike a pose on the stage
互相 mutual;each other
福相 a countenance of good luck
死相 ghastly
首相 prime minister
手相 lines of the palm
识相 sensible
相识 to get acquainted with each other
相声 cross talk
相片 photograph;picture
相邻 close together
相交 to make friends with
相见 meet one another
相好 good friend;to have a love affair with
相顾 mutual regard;to look at each other
相隔 to be separated by
相仿 similar
相反 opposite
相争 compete with each other
相约 to have a date
相应 corresponding
相依 interdependent
相信 to believe in
相投 congenial
相对 face-to-face;opposite;relative
相抵 to offset
相传 to teach
相处 to get along
相持 to resist against each other
相差 difference
照相 to take a picture
宰相 prime minister
丞相 prime minister
照相师 photographer
照相机 camera
星相学 astrology
相似词 synonym
相思树 acacia
相思病 lovesickness
相适应 to be in step with each other
相对论 the theory of relativity
男傧相 best man
单相思 unrequited love;one-sided love
长相忆 remembrance for ever

中文 英文
相关地 relatively
相继死亡 die off
短兵相接 hand to hand
n.岩相 lithofacies
完成相同 nothing less than
三者互相 one another
n.相簿 photo album
n.相当於 babu
n.相当於 baboo
相邻;近似 border on
认为;相信 be of opinion that
与..相反 contrary to
使..相信 convince .. of
相应;符合 correspond to
n. 相应 cowgirl
n.不相同 disaffinity
与..相爱 fall in love with
和年龄相称 look one's age
n. 相片 photo
n.相对论 theory of relativity
与人相处甚好 be in with
n. 男傧相 bridesman
n. 女傧相 bridesmaid
v.相互调节 coadjust
a. 复相的 diphase
a. 不相称 disproportional
n.气相分析 gas chromatography
n. 笔相家 graphologist
n. 男傧相 groomsman
某人相信.. it is one's belief t
n. 相思病 lovesickness
反之;相反地 on the contrary
n. 骨相学 phrenology
a. 人相的 physiognomical
a. 多相的 polyphase
n.相对湿度 relative humidity
n.玻璃版照相 ambrotype
n.接近;相连 appropinquity
n.胆囊照相术 cholecystography
出现;真相大白 come out
n.相反;不利 contrariousness
n.相配之衣物 coordinates
n.互相;相互 each other
头尾相接;衔接 end to end
n.或然率相同 equiprobability
n.相等;等价 equivalency
使平坦;使相等 even out
妥协;互相让步 give and take
n. 凹版照相 heliogravure
n.历史相对论 historicism

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