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中文 英文
缴税 to pay taxes
减税 tax cut
加税 raise in taxes
赋税 tax
版税 royalty on a book
纳税 to pay taxes
免税 tax free
税收 tax revenue
税吏 a tax-collector
逃税 to evade a tax
税制 taxation;tax system
税额 amount of tax to be paid
直接税 direct tax
印花税 stamp-tax
物品税 sales tax
税务员 tax collector
税捐处 tax office
收益税 property or tax
人头税 poll tax;head money
农业税 agricultural tax
漏税者 tax evader
货物税 consolidated tax
港口税 port dues
附加税 surtax;additional tax

中文 英文
n.娱乐税 amusement tax
n.附加税 adrate
n.附加税 additional tax
n.关税表 customs tariffs
n.遗产税 death duties
n.间接税 hidden tax
n.人头税 head money
n.入港税 harbor due
n.税务员 tax collector
n.免税额 tax deduction
n.印花税票 fiscal stamp
n.出口关税 export tax
n. 收税官 exciseman
n.关税联盟 customs union
n.保税仓库 bonded warehouse
n.奢侈品税 luxury tax
n.实物租税 kain
n.优惠关税 preferential duties
n.累进税制 progressive taxation
n.印花税票 revenue stamp
n.关税壁垒 tariff wall
n.缴税日期 tax day
n. 纳税人 taxpayer
n.遗嘱认证税 probate duty
n.租地继承税 heriot
n. 丹麦税赋 Danegeld
a. 应课税的 chargeable
n. 税务官员 revenuer
n.逃税;漏税 tax evasion
n. 可课税性 taxability
v. 课税太低 undertax
n.服役;免役税 escuage
n.昔英国之赋税 gheld
n.进口税;海关 customs
n. 称量,称量税 metage
n.农产品的加工税 processing tax
a. 扣除税捐前的 pretax
n. 通行税征收处 tollhouse
n. 通行税征收人 tollkeeper
n.通行税;过境税 transit duty
n. 收集家,收税员 collector
n.国王徵收之土地税 hidage
n. 货物税,国产税 excise
n.收税员;酒馆老板 publican
n.吨数;船舶的吨税 tonnage
n.收取通行税之道路 turnpike road
adv.[税率]递减地 degressively
adj.[税率]递减的 degressive
n. 徵收,课税,税款 imposition
n.逃税者的天堂或乐土 tax haven

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