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中文 英文
to stop
终止 to end;termination;to stop
中止 to discontinue;to break off
制止 to restrict;to stop;to check
止血 to stop bleeding
止泻 to check diarrhea
止痛 to relieve pain
止咳 to stop coughing
止付 to stop payment
停止 to halt;to stop;to cease;to call off
举止 deportment;behavior
静止 static;to stand still
禁止 to prohibit;to ban
截止 to end;to close;deadline
废止 to abolish;to annul
休止 to stop;to cease
无止境 boundless;to have no limit

中文 英文
终止 end up
v.阻止 debar from
静止不动 hold still
休止时间 interregna
停止;死 pack up
n. 举止 bearing
n. 休止 caesura
n. 停止 cessation
结束;终止 come to an end
n.止咳药 cough mixture
切掉;停止 cut out
劝止某人做 dissuade from
停止;结束 pack in
阻止;妨碍 prevent from
n.停止排卵 anovulation
n.止咳药片 cough drop
勒住马;阻止 pull up
可防止作弊的 tamperproof
a. 止痉挛的 antispasmodic
n. 禁止徵候 contraindication
n.排除;阻止 debarment
v.劝止;劝阻 disadvise
n.命令;禁止 enjoinder
n.垂下;阻止 holddown
n.排除;阻止 preclusion
n.静止;沈寂 quiescence
adj.禁止的 verboten
可以过滤(或阻止 Killfile
v. 消减,废止 annihilate
v.使不能;防止 disenable
n.使不能;防止 disenablement
使弄平;停止增加 level off
v. 禁止,阻止 prohibit
n. 禁令,禁止 prohibition
静止在..;依赖 rest on
n. 停战,休止 truce
n.阻止排卵之药物 anovulant
n.止汗药;防汗药 antiperspirant
n. 止痛,退热剂 acetanilide
n.止痛[退热]剂 acetanilid
n.针压[止血]法 acupressure
n.停职;停止工作 bandh
n. 阻止通货膨胀 disinflation
n.禁止翻供;阻止 estoppage
n.无约束;无禁止 nonrestraint
n.禁止入内之地区 off limits
n.禁止者;阻止者 prohibiter
n.禁止者;阻止者 prohibitor
n.月经停止;更年期 change of life
n.[医]电气止血法 electrohemostasis

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