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中文 英文
to hope;to watch
瞩望 to look forward to
张望 to look around
欲望 desire
希望 to wish;to desire;to expect
无望 hopeless
眺望 to look far away
探望 to look about;to visit
失望 disappointment;to be disappointed
声望 prestige;fame
翘望 to long eagerly
祈望 to hope;to wish
期望 to expect;expectation;to hope
看望 to visit
绝望 despair;hopeless

中文 英文
渴望 be sick for
渴望 be anxious for
渴望 be desirous of
渴望 hunger for
绝望 in despair
渴望 thirst for
n.希望 esperance
n. 失望 disappointment
指望;依赖 bank upon
指望;依赖 bank on
急於;渴望 be anxious to
n. 望楼 belvedere
对..失望 be disappointed in
盼望;渴望 be eager to
渴望;盼望 feel desire for
寻找;渴望 look for
期待;盼望 look forward to
观望;旁观 look on
静候;观望 wait and see
渴望;热爱 yearn for
渴望;极想要 be eager for
建立於;指望 build on
a. 渴望的 athirst
渴望;倾心於 have one's heart set
n.期待;期望 expectancy
使沮丧;使失望 cast down
n.懒惰;绝望 acedia
n.天文望远镜 astronomical telesco
n.准直望远镜 autocollimator
失去众望;不悦 fall into disfavor
adv.渴望地 hankeringly
n.深水望远镜 hydroscopicity
v.希望;但愿 mayhap
展望的;周视的 periscopic
展望的;周视的 periscopical
n.渴望;愿望 wistfulness
n. 热望,贪婪 avidity
v. 热望,立志 aspire
n. 热望,渴望 aspiration
n. 双眼望远镜 binocle
n. 渴望,热望 craving
n. 名望,传说 fame
n. 照相望远镜 phototelescope
n.反射式望远镜 reflecting telescope
n.折光式望远镜 refracting telescope
n. 名声,声望 renown
n. 名誉,声望 reputation
n. 立体望远镜 telestereoscope
n. 小望台,顶塔 bartizan
adj.令人失望的 disillusionary

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