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中文 英文
to obey;to serve;clothes;to submit
服务 to be in the service of;to serve
服饰 clothing
服勤 on duty
服从 to obey
服用 to take medicine
服刑 to serve a prison term
降服 to yield
和服 japanese dress;kimono
舒服 to be well;comfortable
丧服 mourning dress
诚服 to be convinced
误服 to take the wrong medicine
制服 uniform
征服 to subdue;to conquer;to overcome
衣服 clothes
校服 school uniform
熨衣服 to iron clothes
洗衣服 to wash clothes
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat;full-dress coat
说服力 persuasion;persuasiveness
染衣服 dye dress
内服药 oral medicine
晾衣服 to air clothes
工作服 working clothes
服装厂 a garment factory
服务站 a public service station
服务生 waiter

中文 英文
说服 prevail on
燕尾服 claw hammer
n.便服 civies
遵守;服从 abide by
鞠躬;服从 bow down
n. 衣服 clothes
n. 衣服 clothing
n.宫廷服 court dress
n.燕尾服 dress coat
n.晚礼服 evening dress
n.晚礼服 evening wear
n.工作服 fatigue dress
沉没;屈服 go under
n.女便服 housedress
n.柔道服 judogi
制服;官服 togae
n.工作服 work clothes
屈服;让步 yield to
使觉醒;说服 bring round
n.大学礼服 academic costume
客户/服务器 client/server
n.女征服者 conqueress
n.劳动服务 fatigue duty
n. 家常服 housecoat
n.熨平衣服 ironing
n. 驯服手 tamer
n. 大学制服 academical
n.行李服务员 baggageman
n.衣服;装束 attirement
adv.舒服地 comfily
n.女服胸衣商 corsetiere
n.柜台服务生 counterboy
n.男子晚礼服 dress suit
n.华丽的服饰 gaudery
v.误传;误服 misinform
n.悲恸;服丧 mourning
n.口服避孕药 oral contraceptive
n.服饰;马饰 trappings
v.使就范;制服 bring under
n.修补衣服的人 busheler
v.使相信;说服 bring over
v. 弯曲,屈服 bend
美国在线服务公司 AOL
集成服务数字网络 ISDN
n.不舒服;孤单 comfortlessness
n.拒服兵役的人 conscientious object
n.不服从;倔强 contumacy
n.小费;服务费 cover charge
n.路边餐饮服务 curb service
n. 便服,便装 dishabille

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