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中文 英文
to suppose;to miss;to think
遐想 reverie
著想 for the sake of
忆想 to remember;to think about
意想 imagination;to imagine
想要 to want;to intend
想像 to visualize;to imagine
想起 to remember;to recall
想法 thinking;idea
想到 to think of
想出 to reason out;to figure out
想必 presumably;supposedly
假想 imagination;to suppose;to imagine
幻想 fancy;to daydream;illusion
构想 idea;scheme
猜想 to surmise;to guess;to suppose
推想 to guess;to imagine
思想 thought
设想 to imagine;tentative idea;to conceive;to have cons
料想 to suppose;to presume
理想 ideal;dream
狂想 maggot;fantasize
细想 to consider;to think over
妄想症 paranoia
旧思想 old-fashioned idea
理想化 idealization;to idealize

中文 英文
想起 bring to mind
回想 think about
回想 think back
n.联想 association of ideas
有点想做 has half a mind to
不大想做 has little mind to
突然想到 it occurs to someone
想起;共计 come to
想起;触念 come into one's mind
n.构想者 conceiver
想像;记忆 in one's mind's eye
想起;想到 occur to
渴望;极想要 be eager for
n. 理想国 Utopia
n. 空想家 daydreamer
a. 想睡的 dozy
先为自己著想 look out for number
提醒;使想起 put in mind of
提醒;使想起 remind of
n. 思想者 thinker
n.思想控制 thought control
v.想像;猜想 conceive of
友谊的;理想的 Platonic
凭空想像;构思 dream up
n.空想;花俏 fanciness
v.梦想;幻想 fantasize
想出方法;设法 find means
adv.冥想地 meditatively
v.不想;不愿 nill
v.回想;重回 recur to
n.空想;幻想 reverie
美国的社会理想 the american dream
v. 考虑,想起 bethought
v. 考虑,想起 bethink
n.幻想曲作曲家 fantasist
n. 自由思想家 freethinker
adj.想得到的 gettable
攻击;尽力想求得 go for
n. 理想主义者 idealist
n.理想;观念性 ideality
n. 狂想,空想 maggot
n. 沉思,冥想 meditation
n.被迫害妄想症 persecution mania
贬义词,指梦想利用 Carpetnetter
n.想像中之酷政国 Cacotopia
n.思想力;思考力 contemplative facult
n.富有幻想力的人 diverger
v. 想出,研究出 excogitate
n. 幻想,白日梦 fantasy
n.理论家;思想家 ideologue

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