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中文 英文
惩恶 punish the criminal
恶犬 fierce dog
恶梦 evil foreboding dream
恶劣 evil;bad
恶疾 malignant disease
恶果 serious consequences
恶鬼 fiend;devil
恶毒 vicious;malicious
恶臭 evil smelling;stink
旧恶 old wrong
恶运 ill luck;bad luck
恶言 abusive word
恶行 immoral conduct;evil doing
恶徒 villain;rogue;rascal
作恶 do evil
厌恶 to loathe;to dislike
邪恶 wicked;vicious
万恶 extremely evil
善恶 good and evil
染恶习 acquire a bad habit
可恶的 abominable;accursed
恶势力 vicious power

中文 英文
厌恶 be sick of
厌恶 have it in for
n.恶魔 old gentleman
深恶;大惧 have a horror of
n. 恶臬 malodor
n. 恶臬 pong
n. 恶心 queasiness
n.小心恶犬 cavecanem
n.恶性贫血 pernicious anemia
v.有恶臭味 reek of
n.恶汉;歹徒 badmash
n.恶灵;恶魔 cacodemon
n.邪灵;恶魔 cacodaemon
n.仇视;憎恶 bad blood
n.厌恶;反对 averseness
n.恶魔;邪恶 Belial
n.撒旦;恶魔 Satan
恶意的;打斜的 catawampus
奸邪的;恶意的 cattywampus
a. 令人厌恶 disgusting
n. 极恶昭彰 flagrancy
n.憎恶;恶意 ill will
n.恶棍;流氓 larrikin
n.淫荡;邪恶 lewdness
n.恶意;有害 malignance
n.恶意;有害 malignancy
a. 有恶臬的 malodorous
n.恶政;逆政 misgovernment
v. 嫌,厌恶 mislike
n. 厌恶结婚 misogamy
n. 厌恶理论 misology
恶臭的;败坏的 reechy
n.嫌恶;不愿 reluctancy
n.流氓;恶棍 toughie
n.恶事;犯罪 wrongdoing
v. 憎恶,痛恨 abhor
n. 恶灵,恶神 Ahriman
n.憎恶德国的人 Germanophobe
n. 憎恶,反感 antipathy
n. 讨厌,嫌恶 distaste
n. 善恶二神论 ditheism
n. 暴行,极恶 enormity
n.恶作剧;愚弄 legpull
v. 厌恶,憎恶 loathe
n. 罪行,罪恶 malefaction
n. 恶意,狠毒 malevolence
n.恶性瘤;恶瘤 malignant tumor
n. 现世邪恶说 malism
n. 毒气,恶臬 mephitis
n.对男性之厌恶 misandry

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