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中文 英文
良心 conscience
苦心 great pains taken for something
空心 hollow
开心 to play a joke on;to feel happy
居心 one's intention
戒心 vigilance;alertness;watchfulness
焦心 anxious;worried
灰心 disappointed;disheartened
欢心 favor;love;liking
黑心 black heart;evil mind
核心 nucleus;core
分心 to be distracted
芳心 heart;affection
贰心 rebellious mind
点心 pastry;snack
变心 to cease to be faithful;to jilt a lover;to turn a
背心 waistcoat;vest
称心 satisfactory;complacent
当心 be careful
担心 to worry
耽心 worried
甜心 sweetheart
谈心 heart-to-heart talk
死心 give up hope;give up
私心 selfishness
顺心 satisfactory
兽心 bestiality
收心 to concentrate attention
实心 solid center
伤心 sad;to be broken-hearted;to be grieved
呕心 sickness;strain heart and mind
仁心 kind-heartedness
小心 to be cautious;to be careful
细心 careful;attentive
安心 not worried;contented;setting one's mind to
心地 heart
心病 anxiety;worry
痛心 to deplore;to be pained;to be distressed
同心 united at heart
心烦 upset;disturbed
心房 ventricles;heart
心肝 conscience;sweetheart
心机 scheming;designing
心急 impatient;short-tempered
心境 mental state;state of mind
心情 state of mind;mood
心事 one's worry;one's concern
心室 ventricles
心算 mental arithmetic

中文 英文
担心 worry about
热心 zeal for
担心著 apprehensively
专心於 be bent on
从心底 imo pectore
有诚心 in earnest
留心听 listen out
随心所欲 at one's pleasure
牢记在心 bear in mind
n.重心 center of gravity
苦心研究 hammer away
心情不好 in bad mood
n.内心 incenter
n.灯心 lampwick
n.心算 mental arithmetic
苦心思索 puzzle out
n.热心 zealousness
专心於.. apply oneself to
n.心绞痛 angina pectoris
n.爱国心 amor patriae
正厅;心房 atria
小心;注意 be careful of
涉及;专心 be involved in
观察;留心 be observed
对..小心 beware of
专心致力於 bind up in
n. 重心 cg
专心致力於 dedicate oneself to
爱上;倾心 fall for
思念;存心 have in mind
n.劳心者 headworker
n.心脏病 heart disease
n.心杂音 heart murmur
n.心脏病 heart trouble
n. 心跳 heartbeat
n.疑心病 idea of reference
内心的宁静 inward peace
留心;注意 on the watch
出於好奇心 out of curiosity
内心的宁静 peace of mind
n.心理战 psywar
n. 恶心 queasiness
专心於某事 throw oneself into
种脐;核心 umbilici
小心翼翼地 with great care
n. 心大星 Antares
n.桃花心木 acajou
a. 心爱的 beloved
埋头专心从事 bend one's head over
n.小心恶犬 cavecanem

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