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中文 英文
to beseech;to beg;to implore;to entreat;to seek
恳求 to plead;to entreat;to beg
苛求 to make excessive demands;very exacting
讲求 to stress
哀求 to entreat
追求 to seek;to pursue;to chase;to hunt for
要求 to request
央求 to beg;to request
刑求 to exact confession by torture
求助 to ask for help;to turn to someone's help
求雨 to pray for rain
求生 to seek to survive
求饶 to ask for mercy
求乞 to beg
求偶 to court;to seek a spouse
求名 to seek fame
求救 to ask for help
求和 sue for peace
求才 to scour talents;talents wanted

中文 英文
祈求 be out for
请求 appeal for
追求 go after
探求 hunt after
探求 hunt for
注解请求 RFC
v.恳求 obsecrate
要求撤换 recuse
请求;申请 apply for
v. 恳求 beseech
v. 祈求 imprecate
追求;寻求 in pursuit of
a. 强求的 pushy
n.求和的号鼓 chamade
a. 可要求的 claimable
ad. 恳求地 beseechingly
依照某人的请求 at one's request
a. 可要求的 exigible
n.乞求;恳求 imploration
v.恳求;乞求 intreat
v. 恳求,乞求 entreat
n. 恳求,乞求 entreaty
v. 请求,乞求 beg
不冒险;为求保险 be on the safe side
adj.恳求似的 beseeching
因..向..求助 appeal to for
n.求偶癖[狂] gamomania
攻击;尽力想求得 go for
v. 恳求,哀求 implore
n. 硬要,强求 importunity
n. 祈求,咒诅 imprecation
n. 连祷,哀求 litany
n. 追求官位者 placeseeker
n.要求者;申请者 claimer
n.请求者;申请者 claimant
求救信号;求救电码 SOS
n.强迫雇用;要求 featherbedding
v.苦苦哀求;恳求 flagitate
n.太过讲究;苛求 hypercorrectness
n. 最低限要求者 minimalist
n. 申请者,请求者 applicant
[计算机] 求值程序 evaluator
a. 恳求的,哀求的 imploring
n. 质询,要求说明 interpellation
n. 测面器,求积计 planimeter
a. 委托的,恳求的 precatory
int. 请,求求你 prithee
v.再要求;要求归还 redemand
n. 求婚者,求爱者 wooer
adv.哀求地;乞求地 entreatingly

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