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中文 英文
殴伤 to injure by beating
殴辱 to beat and insult
殴打 beat up

中文 英文
n.暴力殴打 criminal assault
n.殴打;击败 walloping
n.痛殴;鞭打 wallop
v.痛殴;猛攻 tear into
n. 用棍棒殴打 fustigation
n. 互殴,打气 fistfight
n.攻击者;殴打者 assaulter
n.人身伤害;殴打 assault and battery
v. 用棒打,殴打,打破 drub
v. 怒殴;n. 怒殴,猛烈的一击 bash
n. 吹,打击,殴打;v. 吹,风吹 blow
n. 打洞器,钻孔机,殴打;v. 以拳重击,开洞, punch

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