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中文 英文
sudden and violent;cruel;savage;hot-tempered;to bu
粗暴 rude;brutal;crude
残暴 atrocious
暴涨 to rise sharply or quickly
暴雨 rainstorm;torrential rain
暴牙 bucktooth
暴徒 gangster;thug;mob
暴食 gluttony
暴怒 violent rage;fury
暴乱 riot;rebellion;revolt
暴露 to expose;to reveal
暴力 violence;brute force
暴君 tyrant;despot
暴风 windstorm
暴动 insurrection;riot;rebellion
抗暴 to oppose tyranny
横暴 perverse and violent
风暴 storm
凶暴 violence
强暴 to rape;violence;ferocious adversary
雷暴雨 thunderstorm rain
大暴露 a major exposure

中文 英文
n.冰暴 ice storm
n.镇暴枪 baton gun
v. 暴食 gluttonize
n.暴发户 nouveau riche
n.暴发户 nouveau riches
n. 暴风 windstorm
n.暴力殴打 criminal assault
n. 暴食者 glutton
n.农民暴动 jacquerie
n. 非暴力 nonviolence
n.暴动;骚动 emeute
n.群众;暴民 clamjamfry
n.暴露;显露 exposedness
n.[医]暴牙 gangtooth
n.反谋;暴动 insurgence
n.暴政;乱政 maladministration
a. 非暴力的 nonviolent
n. 暴民政治 ochlocracy
n.野蛮;粗暴 truculency
n.狂暴;动乱 turbulency
n. 狂暴,狂怒 frenzy
遭受;暴露於.. be exposed to
v. 泄露,暴露 bewray
n. 暴饮,泥醉 crapulence
n. 骚动,暴乱 commotion
v. 泄露,暴露 divulge
n. 暴行,极恶 enormity
n. 暴食,贪食 gluttony
adv.非暴力地 nonviolently
a. 暴民政治的 ochlocratic
n. 易怒,暴躁 testiness
n.暴饮暴食;充血 engorgement
n.暴发户;名利狂 arriviste
n.狂暴战士;暴汉 berserker
v. 激怒,使暴怒 enrage
n.反叛者;暴动者 putschist
a. 暴发的,喷火的 eruptive
a. 如熊的,粗暴的 bearish
a. 残暴的,儿恶的 atrocious
n. 易怒,脾气暴躁 irascibility
a. 易怒的,暴躁的 irascible
n. 暴民统治,暴民 mobocracy
a. 易怒的,暴躁的 testy
n. 老虎,凶暴的人 tiger
a. 狂暴的,吵闹的 turbulent
n.暴力政治;私刑法律 club law
adj.古怪的;暴躁的 crankish
n. 粗暴,严酷,刻薄 asperity
n. 残暴,儿恶,暴行 atrocity
v. 暴露,揭穿,陈列 expose

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