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中文 英文
hot weather
酷暑 very hot weather
避暑 to run away from summer heat
溽暑 sweltering summer weather
中暑 to have sunstroke;heatstroke;sunstroke
暑热 hotness
暑期 summer season

中文 英文
n.中暑 heat stroke
n.大暑 great heat
n.处暑 limit of heat
n. 中暑 heatstroke
n.中暑;日光治疗法 heliosis
n.讲习会;短期暑修学校 vacation school
adj.温度计的;寒暑表的 thermometrical
n.大学暑假;法院夏季休庭 long vacation
n.列氏寒暑表adj.列氏[温度计]的 Reaumur

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