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中文 英文
报时 tell the time
按时 on time
此时 at this time
尔时 at that time
顿时 immediately;at once
工时 a working hour
卯时 5 7 a.m.
零时 zero hour
临时 temporary
旧时 the old times
届时 by that time;on the occasion
小时 hour
随时 any time
守时 punctual
时髦 fashionable
时宜 appropriate to the occasion
时态 tense
时势 current situation
时区 time zone
时令 season
时局 the national situation;world situation
时间 time
时机 opportunity
时代 age;period;era
时常 often
平时 normally;in normal time
应时 proper to the season
准时 on time;punctual
战时 wartime
暂时 for the time being;temporary
有时候 sometimes
新时代 a new era;modern times
每小时 per hour
计时器 timer
及时雨 timely rain
耗时间 time-consuming;to consume time
好时光 a good time
赶时髦 to follow the fashion
定时锁 time lock
标准时 standard time

中文 英文
时常 all too often
及时 in time
时常 more often than not
有时 now and again
报时 tell time
起幕时 at rise
有时候 at times
独处时 be on one's own
时间表 kalendar
过时的 out of date
黄昏时 toward evening
到那时候 by then
时间逝去 go by
在上课时 in class
休止时间 interregna
暂时解雇 lay off
无论何时 of all times
n.时区 time zone
n.计时器 Timer
n. 古时 Jericho
n.安培时 amperehour
看见..时 at the sight of
偶尔;时常 every so open
有时;间或 from time to time
及时;准时 in good time
n.长时日 longue haleine
偶尔;有时 off and on
n. 平时 peacetime
n. 暂时 temporariness
当时;当场 then and there
n. 时尚 vogue
n. 比利时 Belgium
n.存取时间 access time
n.不同时性 asynchronism
午夜十二点时 at midnights
现在;当时, at the moment
将要..时候 at the point of
n.诊疗时间 consultation hours
n.截稿时间 edition time
n.从那时起 from that time on
n.冰河时期 glacial epoch
n.冰河时期 glacial period
n.冰河时期 ice age
在紧急的时候 in an emergency
在适当的时机 in due course
n.铁器时代 iron age
v.浪费时间 lollygag
n.电脑时间 machine time
n.中古时代 middle ages
v. 使过时 outdate

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