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中文 英文
元旦 new year's day
一旦 once
花旦 vivacious female role in chinese opera
刀马旦 actress

中文 英文
n.元旦 new year's day
n.撒旦;恶魔 Satan
n.妖魔;撒旦 old nick
n.魔鬼;撒旦 old harry
n.魔王;撒旦 prince of the air
n.撒旦;魔鬼 prince of darkness
n.约旦之正式国名 hashemite kingdom of
n.儿子;伊拉克,约旦,科威特等国之一种铜币 fils
ad. 一次,曾经,一旦;conj. 一旦,一经 once
n.[=New Year's Day]元旦;New Year's Eve new year's

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