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中文 英文
gas;breath;air;angry;smell;spirit;to get angry;to
娇气 frail
秽气 fulsome air
晦气 unlucky
豪气 heroism;exhilaration
福气 good luck
风气 fad
废气 exhaust
断气 to breathe one's last
潮气 moisture
才气 keen intelligence
打气 to encourage;to pump up
空气 air;atmosphere
客气 respectful;polite
节气 seasonal periods
煤气 coal gas
灵气 spiritual influence
冷气 air conditioning
阔气 lavish
口气 expression;tone
暖气 warm vapor
气象 atmosphere;meteorological state;meteorology
气温 temperature
气筒 air pump
气势 manner;momentum;demeanor
气球 balloon
气泡 air bubble
气馁 to be dejected;to be discouraged
气流 air current
气孔 pore;stoma;vent;hole
气功 deep breathing exercise
气愤 furious;enraged;angry
气氛 atmosphere;air
气度 bearing;manner
气层 stratum of air
傲气 haughtiness
气压 air pressure
气质 disposition;temperament;qualities
氢气 hydrogen
神气 imposing;divine atmosphere;putting on airs
湿气 dampness;moisture
受气 to be bullied
叹气 to sigh
天气 weather
通气 ventilate
透气 to ventilate
雾气 blight
吸气 inhale
秀气 fine;graceful
血气 sap;uprightness;vigor

中文 英文
一口气 at a stretch
液态气 lox
一口气地 at a sitting
一气之下 in a pet
n.笑气 laughing gas
n.气窗 louver window
n.毒气 poison gas
大气减速法 atmospheric braking
n. 气球 balloon
对某事生气 be angry at
对某人生气 be angry with
n.支气管 bronchia
n.气候年 climatic year
杀气腾腾地 combatively
n.电暖气 electric radiator
n.排气管 exhaust pipe
n.喷气孔 fumarole
n.煤气炉 gas cooker
n.煤气灯 gas lamp
n.煤气表 gas meter
n.煤气管 gas pipe
n.煤气炉 gas stove
n. 气化 gasification
v. 气化 gasify
喘不过气来 out of breath
n. 光气 phosgene
n. 气学 pneumatics
n.电气石 tourmalin
激动;生气 worked up
n.大气压力 atmospheric pressure
a. 大气的 atmospheric
a. 生气的 angry
n.低级气味 babbittry
n. 小气囊 ballonet
n.阻塞气球 barrage balloon
n. 脚气病 beriberi
n. 气管镜 bronchoscope
n. 支气管 bronchus
n. 坏脾气 crossness
把..气疯了 drive someone mad
n.电气化学 electrochemistry
n. 测气管 eudiometer
n.气相分析 gas chromatography
n.煤气总管 gas main
n.燃气涡轮 gas turbine
n.天然气井 gas well
a. 淘气的 hoydenish
n.低气压病 hypobaropathy
n.热气浴室 laconicum
n.大气尘粒 lithometeor

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