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中文 英文
to rescue;to save
救出 to help out;to save;to rescue
灌救 to save
得救 to be saved
搭救 to rescue
救济 to relieve
救生 to save life
自救 to save oneself
援救 to rescue;to save
求救 to ask for help
匡救 to deliver from danger or sin
救援 to come to one's aid;to rescue
救死 to save one's life
救生员 lifesaver
救生艇 lifeboat
救济金 relief funds
救火车 fire engine
救护站 first aid station
急救包 first aid kit

中文 英文
n.急救 first aid
n.救生艇 accident boat
n.急救站 dressing station
n.救火车 fire truck
n.救生员 life guard
n.救生衣 life jacket
n.救生艇 life boat
n.救生带 life belt
n.救生艇 life raft
n.救援车 wrecking car
n. 救火船 fireboat
n.救火队员 fire fighter
n. 救世主 Mahdi
n. 救护车 ambulance
n.救护人员 ambulanceman
n.救济农场 poor farm
n. 救济院 poorhouse
n.野战救护队 ambulance corps
n.救生艇甲板 boat deck
n. 救难信号 Mayday
n.救生艇人员 lifeboatman
n.海上救生衣 mae west
n. 施舍,救济 almsgiving
n.救生索;命脉 life line
n.救生绳;命脉 lifeline
n.救护车;灵车 meat wagon
n.救生绳具投射器 life gun
n.救生圈;救生袋 life buoy
n.消防队;救火队 fire station
v. 使解脱,救出 extricate
n.救火车;救火机 fire engine
n.救火队;消防队 fire company
n.解脱者;救出者 extricator
n.矿工救护队队员 draegerman
n. 基督,救世王 Christ
求救信号;求救电码 SOS
n.救生工具;浮衣 life preserver
n.救生艇;救难船 lifeboat
n.救济者;解救者 reliever
n.救援队;救护队 wrecking company
n.任可补救办法;处方 Rx
n. 救出,救助,释放 deliverance
n.求救呼号;遇难呼号 distress call
n. 救出,解脱,游离 extrication
n. 减轻,救济,安慰 relief
v. 减轻,救济,解除 relieve
adj.救助的;救援的 relieving
a. 可救出的,可解救的 extricable
n. 中国青年反共救国团 Cyc
a. 救命的,水难救生的 lifesaving

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