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中文 英文
支架 support;stand
招架 to defend;to resist
鹰架 scaffold
书架 bookshelf
棚架 shelf
帽架 hat tree
炉架 grate
绞架 gallow
架子 rack;frame
架桥 to erect a bridge
架构 structure;configuraton
画架 easel
绑架 to kidnap for ransom
吊架 hanger
担架 stretcher
吵架 to quarrel;to squabble
笔架 stack for holding pens
绑架罪 abduction charge
高架桥 viaduct

中文 英文
吵架 have it out with
架桁 joisted
n.衣架 clothes rack
n.架子 etagere
n.帽架 hatrack
n.桨架 oarlock
n.伞架 umbrella stand
n. 柴架 andiron
n. 床架 bedstead
n.洗脸架 basin stand
n. 棺架 bier
n. 书架 bookstack
n. 书架 bookshelf
n.阅书架 bookrest
n.衣帽架 coatrack
n.晒衣架 clotheshorse
n.衣帽架 clothes tree
n.架;台 contignation
n.衣帽架 hat tree
n.熨烫架 ironing table
笔插;笔架 penholder
n.试管架 test tube rack
n.毛巾架 towel horse
n.手巾架 towel rail
n.桁架桥 truss bridge
n.五味瓶架 cruet stand
n.车架下舌 down tube
圆烛架;光圈 coronae
n.滴定管架 burette stand
n.高架铁路 elevated railroad
n.高架铁道 elevated railway
n. 大键架 harpsichord
n. 大键架 harpsichork
n.木头支架 legs
n.壁炉架板 mantel board
n.书架;书摊 bookstand
n.假牙的架子 bridge work
n.薪架;烙铁 brand iron
n.书夹;书架 book end
n.背架;靠背 backrest
萤光灯散光格架 eggcrate
n.摆架子的人 fancy pants
n.柴架;炭架 firedog
n.争论;吵架 fratcher
n.争论;吵架 fratching
n.构台;桶架 gantry
n.[矿]井架 headframe
n.花瓶;花架 jardiniere
v.吵架;争论 tangle with
n.窗框;窗架 window frame

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