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中文 英文
to break;to cut off
中断 to break off;to discontinue;interruption
诊断 to diagnose
折断 to break into two
切断 to cut off
掐断 to nip;to break
判断 criterion
论断 to discuss and judge
拉断 pull and break
截断 to cut off;to interrupt
间断 to interrupt;interruptable
横断 spoke
隔断 cut off;sever
割断 to cut off
断言 to say with certainty
断气 to breathe one's last
断奶 to wean
断粮 to run out of food supply
断绝 to break off
断魂 forlorn
独断 arbitrary
打断 to interrupt
断肠 to be heartbroken
阻断器 blocker
断代史 dynastic history

中文 英文
嚼断 chew off
咬断 bite off
垄断 monopolisation
独断的" magistrate 的
断念者 renunciant
v. 切断 amputate
n. 断奶 ablactation
n.断路器 circuit breaker
截断;断绝 cut off
n.纵断面 vertical section
n.判断错误 misjudgment
不断地;继续 on and on
v.重新判断 rejudge
n.价值判断 value judgment
n.诊断证明书 certificate of diagn
n.不间断电源 UPS
v.切断;割断 abscind
n.断言;保证 avouchment
n.破裂;中断 cataclasm
n.电流断触器 contactbreaker
n. 优柔寡断 indecision
ad. 中断地 interruptedly
n.电流断续器 make and break
断然地;坚决地 once and for all
n. 断层照片 tomogram
v.横断;横切 transect
v. 断言,主张 aver
n. 断言,誓言 asseveration
n. 两断,对分 bisection
a. 不断攻击的 besetting
n. 仲裁,公断 arbitration
格言;权威的断言 dicta
断掉的;被删掉的 erased
v. 切除,切断 exscind
v. 独占,垄断 monopolize
ad. 可断定地 predicably
adj.不断结果的 everbearing
n.持续不断;连续 incessancy
adv.优柔寡断地 indecisively
n.性交中断;手淫 onanism
n.透视;透照诊断 transillumination
n.断裂层;破裂带 zone of fracture
n. 仲裁人,公断者 arbitrator
n. 受切断手术的人 amputee
n. 切断者,切断器 amputator
n. 切断,切断手术 amputation
n. 医师诊断证明书 aeger
a. 断热的,隔热的 adiabatic
n.四肢均遭切断的人 basket case
v. 郑重声言,断言 asseverate

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