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中文 英文
to feel;to sense;feeling;to be aware of;sleep
视觉 vision;sense of sight
梦觉 wake up from a dream
觉醒 to be awakened
觉得 to feel;to think
警觉 alertness
感觉 to feel;to become aware of
发觉 to discover;to realize
错觉 hallucination;misconception;illusion
察觉 to find;to discover
自觉 self-conscious;aware of self
知觉 consciousness
嗅觉 the sense of smell
味觉 sense of taste;gustation
听觉 sense of hearing
睡午觉 to take a nap

中文 英文
使觉醒 bring someone to
觉察到 be on to
睡了一觉 fall into a sleep
v.统觉 apperceive
感觉自在 feel at home
上床睡觉 go to bed
n.动觉 kinaesthesia
n.触觉论 haptics
n. 嗅觉 olfaction
n. 知觉 percipience
n. 听觉学 audiology
n.尖端触觉 acmesthesia
使觉醒;说服 bring round
n.听觉过敏 hyperacusis
n.痛觉过敏 hyperalgesia
n.触觉过敏 hyperaphia
n.味觉过敏 hypergeusesthesia
n.嗅觉过敏 hyperosmia
n.听觉迟钝 hypoacusis
n.嗅觉减退 hyposmia
睡懒觉;待产 lie in
a. 视觉的 visual
n.视觉教具 visual aid
n.觉醒;清醒 disenchantment
n.触觉测量法 esthesiometry
n.触觉测量器 esthesiometer
n.感觉;感知 esthesia
n.觉醒;幻灭 disillusionment
n.灵知;直觉 gnosis
adj.触觉的 haptic
n.触觉测量器 haptometer
n. 感觉过敏 hyperesthesia
a. 可知觉的 perceivable
n.痛觉描记器 ponograph
adj.知觉外的 extrasensory
n.听幻觉;幻觉 acouasm
n. 嗅觉丧失症 anosmia
n. 听觉型的人 audile
n.实体感觉缺失 astereognosis
n. 觉醒,激励 arousal
n. 尝味,味觉 gustation
n. 视觉型的人 visualizer
n.[医]重觉缺失 baragnosis
a. 耳的,听觉的 aural
a. 耳的,听觉的 auditory
v.使觉醒;使幻灭 disillusionize
adj.二重听觉的 dichotic
adj.违反直觉的 counterintuitive
n.幻视;视觉颠错 heteroptics
adj.痛觉过敏的 hyperalgesic

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