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中文 英文
on the spot;present;current;to show
浮现 to show up;to emerge
发现 to discover
出现 to show up;to appear
表现 to display;to show
贴现 to discount;discount
实现 to come true
渐现 fade-in
现存 in stock
现货 merchandise in stock
现付 cash payment
现行 in force
现象 phenomenon
现实 reality;real
现钱 cash
现今 now;nowadays
现有 existent;available
展现 to emerge;to unfold before one's eyes
现在式 the present tense
现行犯 person in flagrant delict
现阶段 at the present stage
现代派 modernist school
现成货 ready-made goods
怪现象 strange phenomena

中文 英文
发现 catch out
实现 come true
发现 find out
忽现 let pass
模拟现实 VR
n.现役 active duty
n.现款 hard cash
杂合现象 heterozygosis
杂合现象 heterozygosity
n.现金制 cash basis
发现;揭发 bring to light
n.兑现券 convertible note
n.兑现券 convertible paper
n.贴现率 discount rate
自..出现 emerge from
成功;实现 make good
实行;实现 put .. into practice
现在;当时, at the moment
n.贴现业者 bill discounter
n.现役军人 active army
n.现金股息 cash dividend
n.现金折扣 cash discount
n.银行贴现 bank discount
n. 现金簿 cashbook
n.现金支付 cash payment
n.现代英语 current english
n. 发现者 discoverer
a. 现存的 extant
转主寄生现象 heteroecism
v.以图表现 impicture
n. 现代化 modernization
n. 现象论 phenomenalism
n. 现象学 phenomenology
n.现在分词 present participle
n.钱;现金 quids
v. 再发现 rediscover
n. 再发现 rediscovery
n.再度出现 reemergence
n.流脂现象 resinosis
n.准备兑现金 banking reserve
变卖财产;兑现 cash in
n.现址;居所 actual residence
n. 包括现在 Acadia
n.反铁电现象 antiferroelectricity
出现;真相大白 come out
n.进行;出现 debouchment
n. 附带现象 epiphenomenon
n.表现;表示 expressiveness
n. 磁滞现象 hysteresis
存在的;现存的 in existence

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