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中文 英文
过火 to go too far
烽火 beacon
放火 to set on fire;to set fire
火车 train
火柴 match
大火 a conflagration
火山 volcano
火拼 open fight
火鸟 firebird
火炉 stove;heating stove
火力 firepower
火炬 torch
火箭 rocket
火鸡 turkey
火险 fire insurance
火石 flint
借火 to ask for a light
猛火 raging fire
冒火 to blow one's top;to get angry
慢火 slow fire
火锅 chafing dish
怒火 fury
引火 to strike a fire;to kindle a fire;to ignite
野火 wildfire;prairie fire
星火 spark
熄火 to extinguish a fire
失火 to be on fire;to catch fire
煽火 fan the flame
战火 flames of war;a conflagration of war
著火 to catch fire;to be on fire
营火会 campfire
萤火虫 firefly;glow-worm
喷火山 volcano
耐火砖 firebrick
灭火器 extinguisher
火车站 railway station;railroad station
火车票 train ticket
军火库 arsenal
救火车 fire engine
火曜日 tuesday
火葬场 cinerator;crematory
火药味 smell of gunpowder
火药库 powder magazine;magazine
火星人 martian
火山岩 volcanic rock
火山口 volcanic crater
火山带 volcanic zone
火狐狸 red fox
打火机 lighter

中文 英文
著火 catch fire
开火 make a fire
n.著火 be on fire
n.火锅 chafing dish
n.鬼火 elf fire
n.鬼火 fen fire
退火;焖火 annealing
n. 火星 Mars
n.拜火教 Parseeism
n.吃火锅 blocked shot
n. 火球 bolide
n.火棉胶 celloidin
n. 火车 choochoo
n.火口壁 craterwall
n.顽火石 enstatite
n.灭火器 fire extinguisher
n.救火车 fire truck
n. 火龙 firedrake
n. 火力 firepower
n.萤火虫 fireworm
n. 火药 gunpowder
n.火腿蛋 ham and eggs
n. 灯火 lamplight
n.火山砾 lapilli
点火;照亮 light up
n. 火柴 matchstick
n. 火绒 tinder
n. 火山 volcano
n. 火箭炮 bazooka
发射辅助火箭 RATO
n.高速火车 bullet train
n. 食火鸡 cassowary
n.火力掩护 covering fire
n. 食火鸟 emu
n.火车司机 engine driver
n.救火队员 fire fighter
n.火灾保险 fire insurance
n.火炉用具 fire irons
n. 救火船 fireboat
n. 防火道 firebreak
n. 耐火砖 firebrick
n. 萤火虫 firefly
辉耀;火焰状 flamboyance
火焰状;辉耀 flamboyancy
n.突然熄火 flameout
a. 防火的 flameproof
n.火蛋白石 girasole
n. 萤火虫 glowworm
n. 雄火鸡 gobbler
n. 棉火药 guncotton

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