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中文 英文
war;battle;to fight
冷战 cold war
开战 to declare war
会战 joint action;major battle
奋战 to fight bravely
舌战 verbal confrontation
内战 civil war
征战 to go on an expedition
战争 war
战友 comrade in arms
战术 tactics
战事 hostilities;war
战时 wartime
战区 war zone
战略 strategy
战火 flames of war;a conflagration of war
战功 military exploits
战俘 prisoners of war
战地 battlefield
战场 battlefront;battlefield
参战 to participate in a war
作战 to fight
正规战 regular warfare
战败国 defeated nation;vanquished nation
战利品 prize;trophy
游击战 guerrilla warfare
挑战者 challenger
陆战队 marine corps
大战犯 an arch war criminal
打内战 to fight a civil war

中文 英文
战场 field of honor
n.战舰 battle ship
巡洋战舰 battle cruiser
n.战俘 Kriegie
一起作战 fight together
n.韩战 korean war
v.再战 refight
n.战犯 war criminal
n.战场 war field
n. 战神 Ares
n.核子战 atomic warfare
和..作战 at war with
n. 战舰 batleship
n.化学战 chemical warfare
为..而战 fight for
n. 枪战 gunfight
n. 枪战 gunfignt
n.手枪战 gunplay
n.闪电战 lightning war
n.枕头战 pillow fight
n.心理战 psywar
n.战阵舞 war dance
n.枪战影片 bangbang
n. 挑战者 challenger
n.联盟作战 combined operations
n.野战医院 field hospital
n.细菌战争 germ warfare
a. 战后的 postwar
a. 战前的 prewar
n.南北战争 war between the stat
n.战地记者 war correspondent
n.战争犯罪 war crime
n.战时公债 war loan
n.独立战争 war of independence
n.交战地带 war zone
n. 交战状态 belligerency
细菌战;生物战 BW
n.战神次子星 Deimos
n.野战救护队 ambulance corps
n. 战时津贴 batta
n. 二轮战车 chariot
n.战地指挥所 command post
为反对..而战 fight with
n.三十年战争 thirty years' war
n.战马;老兵 war horse
n.美国之内战 war of secession
n.好战;好打架 bellicosity
n. 战场,战地 battleground
adj.战争前的 antewar
n.美国独立战争 american revolution

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