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中文 英文
achievement;grown up;ready-made;to accomplish;to s
成婚 to get married
成果 achievement;result
成功 to succeed
成分 ingredient;component
成长 growth;to grow up
成本 cost
成年 throughout the year;to be grown up
成立 to form;to establish
成就 achievement
成交 to strike a deal
成语 phrase
成衣 ready-made garment
成行 to embark on a journey
成为 to become
成套 in sets
成双 to become a couple
成人 grown-up;adult
成亲 to get married
成品 finished product
完成 to fulfil;to complete;to accomplish
收成 harvest
酿成 to bring about slowly
老成 steady
构成 to constitute;to construct
造成 to cause to happen;to result in
赞成票 an affirmative vote
现成货 ready-made goods
风成岩 aeolian rocks
成员国 a member state
合成数 compound number
成年期 adulthood
成绩单 report card

中文 英文
赞成 buy it
成年 come of age
分成 divide into
完成 get through with
完成 go through with
完成 win through
改变成 change over
不赞成 disapprove of
成绩好 do well in
未成年 under age
同性成员 MOTSS
n.成都 Chengtu
排成一行 be in a line
聚成一团 bunch up
达成协议 come to an agreement
成绩不好 do poorly in
长大成人 grown up
排成一列 in a row
完成相同 nothing less than
v. 完成 accomplish
n. 成就 accomplishment
v. 完成 achieve
n.成酸剂 acidifier
v.化成钢 acierate
赞成;同意 approve of
n. 完成 completion
最後完成者 crowner
把A换成B exchange a for b
完成;做完 get something over w
n.形成疝 herniation
赞成;容忍 hold with
赞成;支持 in favor of
成为废墟地 in ruins
成功;实现 make good
形成;构成 make of
成名;留名 make one's mark
达成;设法 manage to
n.不赞成 nonconcurrence
结婚;成对 pair off
n.成语集 phrase book
撕开;完成 pull off
n.再形成 reformulation
n.成绩单 report card
n.成绩测验 achievement test
n. 成人期 adulthood
完全赞成某事 be all for something
n. 生合成 biosynthesis
n.形成细胞 cellulation
n.化学合成 chemosynthesis
n.形成乳糜 chylification

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