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中文 英文
介於 between
急於 to be anxious to;to be eager to
次於 next to
忙於 to be busy with;to be occupied with
善於 to be expert in;to be good at
於是 thus;then;so
终於 finally;at last
效忠於 to be loyal to;to be faithful to
起因於 to be caused by;to result from
满足於 to be content with

中文 英文
忙於 be busy with
优於 be superior to
乐於 be willing to
属於 belong to
归於 due to
关於 in reference to
关於 in regard to
关於 in respect of
限於 limit to
濒於 on the brink of
由於 thanks to
关於 with reference to
关於 with regard to
沉迷於 abandon oneself to
从事於 be about
专心於 be bent on
出身於 be born of
源自於 be derived from
从事於 be engaged in
适合於 be fit for
来自於 be from
倾向於 be inclined to
疯狂於 be mad about
深植於 be rooted in
适用於 be the same with
厌倦於 be tired of
习惯於 be used to
习惯於 become used to
从事於 employ oneself in
从事於 engage in
擅长於 excel in
擅长於 expert in
固定於 fasten on
习惯於 get used to
受困於 lock into
归咎於 pin b on a
不等於 unequal to
免於.. be free from
次於.. be second to
盛於盘中 dish out
精於某事 have a light hand wi
作凹痕於 nock
钉於墙上 pin up
专心於.. apply oneself to
由於;因为 as a result of
至於;关於 as for
关於;至於 as to
n.相当於 baboo
n.相当於 babu
急於;渴望 be anxious to

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