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中文 英文
长笛 flute
长大 to grow up
长处 strong point
长久 for a long time
长进 to make progress
长假 furlough
长官 commanding officer
长跑 long-distance running
长女 eldest daughter
长命 long life
长眠 death
长叹 deep sigh
长孙 eldest grandson
长逝 to die
延长 to extend;to lengthen
县长 county magistrate
团长 a regiment commander
亭长 village constable
瘦长 lanky;long and thin
生长 to grow;growth;to develop
伸长 to lengthen;to elongate
社长 president or director of an association
擅长 to be expert in;to be good at
排长 platoon leader
漫长 very long
连长 company commander
拉长 prolong
课长 section chief in an office
局长 a bureau head;chief
警长 sheriff
家长 head of a family
会长 president of an association or society
多长 how long
队长 team leader
长癌 to get cancer
长老 elder of a buddhist monastery;presbyter
长袜 stocking
船长 captain
成长 growth;to grow up
长者 elder
长远 long-term
长兄 one's eldest brother
营长 battalion commander
增长 to rise;to increase;to grow
镇长 town magistrate
州长 governor of a state
专长 speciality;special skill
族长 head of a clan
最长 longest
长相忆 remembrance for ever

中文 英文
擅长於 excel in
擅长於 expert in
短长格 iambi
长久的 Flame Wars
n.军长 army corps commander
短长长格 bacchii
n.连长 company commander
n.郡长 ealdorman
n.长石 felspar
长在一起 grow together
长大成人 grown up
n.长波 long wave
n.长度 longness
n.长裤 trousers
长久;很久 a good while
较..年长 be senior to
n.董事长 board chairman
n. 长靴 boot
n. 市长 burgomaster
n.董事长 chairman of the boar
n.护理长 charge nurse
n.审判长 chief justice
n.主计长 comptroller general
n.长距离 far cry
填写;长胖 fill out
v.长叶子 frondesce
铁工厂厂长 ironmaster
n. 冗长 lengthiness
a. 长的 longest
n.长头人 longhead
n.长;久 longinquity
n.长时日 longue haleine
n.士官长 master sergeant
n. 市长 mayor
n. 家长 paterfamilias
n.灵长类 primates
n.长镜头 telephoto lens
n.长统靴 top boot
n.总长度 total lenght
n. 次长 undersecretary
n.抗生长素 antiauxin
n. 茁长素 auxin
n. 长柄扒 backscratcher
n.长脚圆规 beam compass
n. 长椅子 bench
n. 长舌者 blabbermouth
n. 水手长 boatswain
n. 仆役长 butler
n.长鼻浣熊 coati
n.长鼻浣熊 coatimundi

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