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中文 英文
处理 to deal with;to handle;to process
处分 to dispose of;to take disciplinary action against
处罚 to impose penalty;to punish
处处 in all respects;everywhere
出处 source of origin
长处 strong point
独处 to stay alone
到处 everywhere
坏处 bad points
害处 disadvantage;harm;shortcomings
每处 everywhere
满处 everywhere
相处 to get along
私处 private parts
此处 here
益处 profit;advantage
暗处 secret place;dark place
住处 residence;dwelling place
有用处 useful
训导处 the office of the dean of students
处女座 virgo
处女地 virgin land
税捐处 tax office
秘书处 secretariat
落脚处 temporary lodging
老处女 old maid;spinster
寄存处 checkroom
分叉处 crotch
兑换处 shroff;exchange
代办处 the office of the charge d'affaires
存放处 a depository
报名处 registration office

中文 英文
处罚 crack down on
处死 put someone to death
处死 put to death
独处时 be on one's own
冬眠处 hibernacula
在远处 in the distance
停泊处 mooring
停泊处 moorings
n.处暑 limit of heat
在转角处 on the corner
到处;遍及 all over the world
遍及;到处 all over
处罚;批评 come down on
处罚;批评 come down upon
n.捕蟹处 crabbery
各处;远近 far and wide
n.处女膜 maidenhead
n. 处理 manipulation
n. 处女 virgin
n.处女膜 virginal membrane
n.整批处理 batch processing
与人相处甚好 be in with
远;在远处的 far off
伸出;聚集处 hang out
n. 隐匿处 hideout
n. 寄宿处 lodging
v.四处观看 look about
v.到处寻找 look around
n. 处私刑 lynching
n.可取之处 redeeming feature
n.处境困难 tight squeeze
n.处女蜂窠 virgin comb
n.对称多处理 SMP
在一小段距离处 at a distance
n.养猫的处所 cattery
n.寓所;住处 digs
n.照处方处理 e.m.p.
四处走动;著手 go about
n.长处;擅长 long suit
n.起源;出处 provenience
n.放宝物之处 repositorium
n.谎话;处罚 tarradiddle
写在高处;揭示 write up
v.以化学品处理 chemicalize
处於困难或危险中 be in trouble
n. 局,办公处 bureau
v.以沥青加处理 bituminize
v.以火棉胶处理 collodionize
v. 用甘油处理 glycerinate
n. 苍鹭抱蛋处 heronry

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