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中文 英文
迁就 to yield to;to accommodate oneself to
就职 to take office
就医 to receive medical treatment
就学 in school
就位 to take one's place
就任 to take office
就擒 submit to capture
就此 at this point;thus
成就 achievement

中文 英文
按步就班 go through channels
就大体说 all things considere
n. 成就 accomplishment
就整体而言 as a whole
v. 就医 hospitalize
陪同;就伴 in company with
n.就业证件 working papers
一..就.. no sooner..than
一..就.. hardly .. when
n.就我所知 as far as i know
n. 就寝时间 bedtime
n. 就寝时间 bedtiime
v. 谦逊,屈就 condescend
v.使就范;制服 bring under
就..而论;关於 in point of
adv.就物价而论 pricewise
无成就的;不聪明的 untalented
理论上说;就理论而言 theoretically speaki
v.使再就座;使复职 reseat
adv.就是说;换言之 videlicet
v. 同意,就任,继承 accede
n. 成就,完成,功业 achievement
n. 结果实,成就,实现 fruition
n.显赫之成功;辉煌之成就 eclat
n. 完成,成就,圆满成功 consummation
n.持优越感待人者;俯就者 condescendent
ad. 在调子上,就音色的方面 tonally
在..能力以内;就..能力所及 in one's power
既往不究;过去的事就让它过去吧 let bygones be bygon
adv.至如此程度;就此程度而言 in so much
adj.未充分就业的;学非所用的 underemployed
adv.在生产的观点上;就生产而论 productionwise
a. 真正的,就是那个;ad. 非常 very
a. 做得成的,可完成的,可有成就的 achievable
n. 举行就职典礼者,任命者,开创者 inaugurator
n. 弃权出赛的马,早就无成功希望的人 nonstarter
v. 预先判断,未充分审问就判决,仓促决定 prejudge
a. 就任的,就职的,开始的;n. 就职演讲 inaugural
adj.[=inaugural]就职的;开始的 inauguratory
n. 幽默,诙谐,心情;v. 迎合,牵就,顺应 humor
videlicet[=namely] 即是;就是 viz.

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