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中文 英文
hurry up;fast;quick;soon;sharp;before long;plainsp
快步 quick step
加快 to speed up
赶快 quickly;to make haste
飞快 very fast
称快 to express jubilation
畅快 delighted;pleased;cheerful
勤快 hard-working;industrious
凉快 cool and comfortable
快嘴 loquacious;talkative
快艇 speedboat
快跑 go quickly;to run fast
快乐 happy;joy
快感 pleasant sensation;pleasant feeling
快餐店 fast food shop

中文 英文
赶快 hurry up
赶快 lose no time
凉快 nice and cool
很快地 in no time
愉快的 with real delight
过的快乐 enjoy oneself
n.快信 express letter
玩得愉快 have a good time
快点;赶快 come on
过得很愉快 have a wonderful tim
匆忙;赶快 in haste
急速;赶快 make haste
爽快地承认 own up
n.轻快优雅 ballon
n.快乾水泥 alumina cement
国际快递公司 DHL
n.轻快帆船 carvel
a. 愉快的 gleeful
n.快车路轨 high iron
n.特快车票 limited express tick
快乐地过日子 live up
n.鱼雷快艇 patrol torpedo boat
n.鱼雷快艇 torpedo boat
n.乘快艇者 yachter
a. 不愉快的 cheerless
不值得快乐之事 cold comfort
n.温柔;爽快 blandness
最快的计算机. Super Computer
n.跑步;快步 double time
n.快速大帆船 dromond
n.快速;敏捷 expeditiousness
n.愉快;轻快 gayety
v.快运;急运 giggit
n.欢欣;快乐 high spirts
ad. 愉快地 jollily
n. 快速帆船 proa
n.不愉快的事 unpleasantness
a. 不愉快的 unpleasing
n. 芳香,爽快 balminess
n. 愉快,欢乐 delectation
n.不愉快的事物 disagreeables
v. 加快,促进 expedite
n.轻便快艇水手 gigsman
n.灰狗;快速船 grayhound
n.周年纪念快乐 happy anniversary
开快车;快速前进 make good time
n. 愉快,快活 merriness
n. 奇妙,不快 queerness

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